Hi, We are Inoha and Ambra.

Creative Souls and Inspirators

We inspire people who wish to communicate with their higher self, unfold their creative power and who have the desire to balance their energy flow in all parts of life.

For many people, the soul is a mystery and there are many misunderstandings about the nature of its existence. However, it is so important because it holds the true treasure of our uniqueness, gifts and abilities. It guards our purpose in life and navigates us through our lives through our intuition. When we perceive and understand our soul and its messages, we are able to dissolve blockages, experience true healing, unfold inner fullness and lead a new happy and lovable life.

About us

Our intention is to inspire people to find their own ways of living a soulful lifestyle.

We want to turn the magic of our soul into an unique experience.


We understand a Soulful Lifestyle as a self-determined way of life in harmony with the soul´s higher purpose, living in energetic balance and expressing joy and creativity.


We believe that the personal soul energy is connected to the universal and cosmic energies. Everything is coupled with each other and exerts influence on each other. Energies and vibrations also interact with each other. That is why a peaceful life with compassion, love and togetherness is so essential.


Everyone can become aware of himself again and understand that he is endowed with the abilities of his clairvoyant senses and the creative powers to lead a fear-free, joyful and self-determined life.


Meet us at the

Soul Café Mallorca

Seelengespräche im Soul Café Mallorca

Kontakt/ Contact


Enjoy Life!

💕 Made with love and light. Möge alles in Fülle auch zu dir fließen .. and better! Danke an meine Frau Inoha für ihre liebevolle Unterstützung.💕